Friday, December 22, 2006


On the fifth day of Christmas my true love said to me...

Here we go with day 5 of my tips to help keep your waistline trim over Christmas:

On the fifth day of Christmas my true love said to me...


Here's my suggestions...

a) Turkey Dinner:

Eat grilled turkey brushed with olive oil instead of roast turkey. As an alternative to turkey eat grilled chicken.

Note: Remember to remove the skin before you eat the meat.

b) Roast Potatoes:

Instead of roasting the potatoes, partially boil them and then either dry roast them - Yes put them in the oven with NO fat or oil or alternatively brush with olive oil before placing them in the oven to finish cooking.

c) Vegetables:

Enjoy 'plenty' of vegetables of your choice either lightly boiled or preferably steamed. Why not try a few raw vegetables along with the cooked ones.

Note: There's no need to add butter or salt to vegetables.

d) Cranberry Sauce

What would Christmas dinner be without the Cranberry Sauce? Why not try out this special fresh Cranberry sauce recipe?

Note: This recipe is straight from the kitchen of my favorite cook and friend - Josette Gigon.

'CRANBERRY SAUCE DELUX' Makes 1.5 cups (adjust ingredients for other


- 1 cup fresh cranberries

- 1/4 cup of orange juice

- 1/4 cup of honey

- 1/4 cup of grated rind of orange

- 1/4 cup of crushed walnuts

- 1/4 cup of chopped dried mix fruit

- A Splash of Sherry or Brandy to taste


- Wash the cranberries

- Add ingredients to pan

- Cook on low heat for approximately 5 minutes or until Ingredients are soft

- Remove from heat

- Beat until smooth before adding the Sherry or Brandy

- Allow to cool at room temperature before refrigerating.

Note: Adjust orange juice if needed for consistency and there you have it, a simple tasty healthy homemade 'Cranberry Sauce' recipe.

e) Stuffing:

Hey it's Christmas, just go easy and have a small portion.

f) Gravy :

Here's another great recipe from 'Josette's Kitchen':

Gravy (serves 4):


- Half an onion (finely chopped)

- Half a tablespoon of olive oil

- Half a teaspoon of fresh chopped thyme

- Half a teaspoon of fresh chopped parsley

- One vegetable stock cube

- Half a pint of boiling vegetable water

- One tablespoon of gravy powder

- A little cold water

- Black pepper or seasoning of your choice

Note: Where gravy powder is not available use the deglaze from the roasting pan (juices after fat removed) and thicken with a little cornflower if required. Or alternatively simmer until reduced.


- Lightly fry the chopped onion in olive oil until soft.

- Using a pan mix the stock cube with the boiling vegetable water

- Reduce heat and add the fried onion, parsley and thyme.

- Mix the gravy power with a little cold water before stirring into the stock to thicken.

- Bring to the boil and simmer gently for a few minutes.

- Add seasoning of your choice to taste

Tomorrow we look at exercise....

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